The Society has a thriving membership and joining is really straightforward. Simply download the application form, fill it in and then send it to us together with your cheque made payable to 'Monmouthshire Railway Society'.
Alternatively. if you wish to pay by bank transfer or standing order, Bank details can be requested by contacting the Membership Secretary via the 'Contact' page on this website.
Full Membership
For an annual payment of £15 you will receive an exclusive copy of our A4 magazine the 'Journal' in March and September together with a Newsletter issued in December and June. You are also entitled to attend any of the ten meetings we hold every year at the discounted rate of £5 per meeting. You may also bring guests to our meetings, who will be subject to an admission charge of £6 per person. You also get a login to the Members Area and will be able to access the archive of our Journal from 1987.
Please find the membership form below which can be saved to your PC for printing by clicking the PDF link icon to open the PDF.